In the manual you will find detailed information about syntax, parameters and examples, please refer to it.
Administrative functions
These functions allow controlling the behavior a Client Object.
Function |
Purpose |
Cli_Create |
Creates a Client Object. |
Cli_Destroy |
Destroys a Client Object. |
Cli_SetConnectionType |
Set the connection type (PG/OP/S7 Basic) |
Cli_SetConnectionParams |
Sets IP, Local and Remote TSAP |
Cli_ConnectTo |
Connects a Client Object to a PLC. |
Cli_Connect |
Connects a Client Object to a PLC with implicit parameters. |
Cli_Disconnect |
Disconnects a Client. |
Cli_GetParam |
Reads an internal Client parameter. |
Cli_SetParam |
Writes an internal Client Parameter. |
Data I/O functions
These functions allow the Client to exchange data with a PLC.
Function |
Purpose |
Cli_ReadArea |
Reads a data area from a PLC. |
Cli_WriteArea |
Writes a data area into a PLC. |
Cli_DBRead |
Reads a part of a DB from a PLC. |
Cli_DBWrite |
Writes a part of a DB into a PLC. |
Cli_ABRead |
Reads a part of IPU area from a PLC. |
Cli_ABWrite |
Writes a part of IPU area into a PLC. |
Cli_EBRead |
Reads a part of IPI area from a PLC. |
Cli_EBWrite |
Writes a part of IPI area into a PLC. |
Cli_MBRead |
Reads a part of Merkers area from a PLC. |
Cli_MBWrite |
Writes a part of Merkers area into a PLC. |
Cli_TMRead |
Reads timers from a PLC. |
Cli_TMWrite |
Write timers into a PLC. |
Cli_CTRead |
Reads counters from a PLC. |
Cli_CTWrite |
Write counters into a PLC. |
Cli_ReadMultiVars |
Reads different kind of variables from a PLC simultaneously. |
Cli_WriteMultiVars |
Writes different kind of variables into a PLC simultaneously. |
Directory functions
These functions give you detailed information about the blocks present in a PLC.
Function |
Purpose |
Cli_ListBlocks |
Returns the AG blocks amount divided by type. |
Cli_ListBlocksOfType |
Returns the AG blocks list of a given type. |
Cli_GetAgBlockInfo |
Returns detailed information about a block present in AG. |
Cli_GetPgBlockInfo |
Returns detailed information about a block loaded in memory. |
Block oriented functions
These functions allow you to move blocks from/to the PLC and delete them.
AG Block Structure
A block (OB, FB, DB , etc.) in AG consists of:
· A Header containing main block info such as MC7Size, date and time etc.
· A Body containing the data.
· A Footer containing info about data struct such as number and type of elements of a DB. Additional block info such as author, family etc...
Block Header Main info |
Cli_FullUpload |
Block Body |
Cli_Upload |
Block Footer Struct Info |
With these functions we can upload a block from AG in two ways : fully or data only depending on our needed, using Cli_FullUpload() or Cli_Upload(). (1)
For the blocks downloading, however, there are some limitations:
1. Only full blocks can be downloaded into AG via Cli_Download().
2. A modified block, i.e. a block to which we have made changes to the body area, could be refused by the CPU.
Upload, download and deletion are subject to the security level set.
See Security functions for more info.
(1) S7 Protocol itself, only provides full upload, Snap7Client internally extracts the data body into Cli_Upload.
Function |
Purpose |
Cli_FullUpload |
Uploads a block from AG with Header and Footer infos. |
Cli_Upload |
Uploads a block from AG. |
Cli_Download |
Download a block into AG. |
Cli_Delete |
Delete a block into AG. |
Cli_DBGet |
Uploads a DB from AG using DBRead. |
Cli_DBFill |
Fills a DB in AG with a given byte. |
These functions allow to read/modify the date and time of a PLC.
Imagine a production line in which each PLC saves the data with date/time field inside, it is very important that the date be up to date.
Both CP X43 and internal PN allow to synchronize date and time but you need an NTP server, and in some cases (old hardware or CP343-1 Lean or old firmware release) this doesn’t work properly.
Snap7 Client, using the same method of S7 Manager, always works.
Function |
Purpose |
Cli_GetPlcDateTime |
Returns the PLC date/time. |
Cli_SetPlcDateTime |
Sets the PLC date/time with a given value. |
Cli_SetPlcSystemDateTime |
Sets the PLC date/time with the host (PC) date/time. |
System info functions
these functions access to SZL (or SSL - System Status List) to give you all the same information that you can get from S7 Manager.
System Status List
The system status list (SSL) describes the current status of a programmable logic controller.
The contents of the SSL can only be read using information functions but cannot be modified. The partial lists are virtual lists, in other words, they are only created by the operating system of the CPUs when specifically requested.
You can access to system status list using SFC 51 too "RDSYSST."
To read a partial list you must specify its ID and Index.
For a detailed description of SZL see:
§33 of "System Software for S7-300/400 System and Standard Functions".
Function |
Purpose |
Cli_ReadSZL |
Reads a partial list of given ID and Index. |
Cli_ReadSZLList |
Reads the list of partial lists available in the CPU. |
Cli_GetOrderCode |
Returns the CPU order code. |
Cli_GetCpuInfo |
Returns some information about the AG. |
Cli_GetCpInfo |
Returns some information about the CP (communication processor). |
PLC control functions
With these control function it’s possible to Start/Stop a CPU and perform some other maintenance tasks.
Function |
Purpose |
Cli_PlcHotStart |
Puts the CPU in RUN mode performing an HOT START. |
Cli_PlcColdStart |
Puts the CPU in RUN mode performing a COLD START. |
Cli_PlcStop |
Puts the CPU in STOP mode. |
Cli_CopyRamToRom |
Performs the Copy Ram to Rom action. |
Cli_Compress |
Performs the Compress action. |
Cli_GetPlcStatus |
Returns the CPU status (running/stopped). |
With these functions is possible to know the current protection level, and to set/clear the current session password.
The correct name of the below functions Cli_SetSessionPassword and Cli_ClearSessionPassword, would have to be Cli_Login and Cli_Logout to avoid misunderstandings about their scope.
Especially because, if you look at the source code, there is an encoding function that translates the plain password before send it to the PLC.
Detailed information about the protection level can be found in §33.19 of "System Software for S7-300/400 System and Standard Functions".
Function |
Purpose |
Cli_SetSessionPassword |
Send the password to the PLC to meet its security level. |
Cli_ClearSessionPassword |
Clears the password set for the current session (logout). |
Cli_GetProtection |
Gets the CPU protection level info. |
Snap7 hides the IsoTCP underlying layer. With this function however, it’s possible to exchange an IsoTCP telegram with a PLC.
Function |
Purpose |
Cli_IsoExchangeBuffer |
Exchanges a given S7 PDU (protocol data unit) with the CPU. |
These are utility functions.
Function |
Purpose |
Cli_GetExecTime |
Returns the last job execution time in milliseconds. |
Cli_GetLastError |
Returns the last job result. |
Cli_GetPduLength |
Returns info about the PDU length (requested and negotiated). |
Cli_ErrorText |
Returns a textual explanation of a given error number. |
Cli_GetConnected |
Returns the connection state. |
These functions are executed in a separate thread simultaneously to the execution of the caller program.
Function |
Purpose |
Cli_AsReadArea |
Reads a data area from a PLC. |
Cli_AsWriteArea |
Writes a data area into a PLC. |
Cli_AsDBRead |
Reads a part of a DB from a PLC. |
Cli_AsDBWrite |
Writes a part of a DB into a PLC. |
Cli_AsABRead |
Reads a part of IPU area from a PLC. |
Cli_AsABWrite |
Writes a part of IPU area into a PLC. |
Cli_AsEBRead |
Reads a part of IPI area from a PLC. |
Cli_AsEBWrite |
Writes a part of IPI area into a PLC. |
Cli_AsMBRead |
Reads a part of Merkers area from a PLC. |
Cli_AsMBWrite |
Writes a part of Merkers area into a PLC. |
Cli_AsTMRead |
Reads timers from a PLC. |
Cli_AsTMWrite |
Write timers into a PLC. |
Cli_AsCTRead |
Reads counters from a PLC. |
Cli_AsCTWrite |
Write counters into a PLC. |
Cli_AsListBlocksOfType |
Returns the AG blocks list of a given type. |
Cli_AsReadSZL |
Reads a partial list of given ID and Index. |
Cli_AsReadSZLList |
Reads the list of partial lists available in the CPU. |
Cli_AsFullUpload |
Uploads a block from AG with Header and Footer infos. |
Cli_AsUpload |
Uploads a block from AG. |
Cli_AsDownload |
Download a block into AG. |
Cli_AsDBGet |
Uploads a DB from AG using DBRead. |
Cli_AsDBFill |
Fills a DB in AG with a given byte. |
Cli_AsCopyRamToRom |
Performs the Copy Ram to Rom action. |
Cli_AsCompress |
Performs the Compress action. |
In the manual you will find detailed information about syntax, parameters and examples, please refer to it.
Administrative functions
These functions allow controlling the behavior a Server Object.
Function |
Purpose |
Srv_Create |
Creates a Server Object. |
Srv_Destroy |
Destroys a Server Object. |
Srv_StartTo |
Starts a Server Object onto a given IP Address. |
Srv_Start |
Starts a Server Object onto the default adapter. |
Srv_Stop |
Stops the Server. |
Srv_GetParam |
Reads an internal Server parameter. |
Srv_SetParam |
Writes an internal Server Parameter. |
These functions allow to share data between the user application and the server.
Function |
Purpose |
Srv_RegisterArea |
Shares a given memory area with the server. |
Srv_UnRegisterArea |
“Unshares” a memory area previously shared. |
Srv_LockArea |
Locks a shared memory area. |
Srv_UnlockArea |
Unlocks a previously locked shared memory area. |
These functions allow to setup/handle the events generated by a server.
Function |
Purpose |
Srv_SetReadEventsCallback |
Sets the user Read event callback. |
Srv_SetEventsCallback |
Sets the user callback that the Server object has to call when an event is created. |
Srv_GetMask |
Reads the specified filter mask. |
Srv_SetMask |
Writes the specified filter mask. |
Srv_PickEvent |
Extracts an event (if available) from the Events queue. |
Srv_ClearEvents |
Empties the Event queue. |
These are utility functions.
Function |
Purpose |
Srv_GetStatus |
Returns the last job execution time in milliseconds. |
Srv_SetCpuStatus |
Returns the last job result. |
Srv_EventText |
Returns a textual explanation of a given event. |
Srv_ErrorText |
Returns a textual explanation of a given error number. |
In the manual you will find detailed information about syntax, parameters and examples, please refer to it.
These functions allow controlling the behavior a Partner Object.
Function |
Purpose |
Par_Create |
Creates a Partner Object. |
Par_Destroy |
Destroys a Partner Object. |
Par_StartTo |
Starts a Partner Object onto a given IP Address. |
Par_Start |
Starts a Partner Object onto the previous parameters supplied. |
Par_Stop |
Stops the Partner. |
Par_GetParam |
Reads an internal Partner parameter. |
Par_SetParam |
Writes an internal Partner Parameter. |
Par_SetSendCallback |
Sets the user callback that the Partner object has to call when the asynchronous data sent is complete. |
Par_SetRecvCallback |
Sets the user callback that the Partner object has to call when a data packet is incoming. |
Data Transfer functions
These functions allow the Partner to exchange data with its counterpart into a PLC.
Function |
Purpose |
Par_BSend |
Sends a data packet to the partner. |
Par_AsBSend |
Sends an asynchronous data packet to the partner. |
Par_CheckAsBSendCompletion |
Checks if the current asynchronous job was completed. |
Par_WaitAsBSendCompletion |
Waits until the current asynchronous send job is done. |
Par_BRecv |
Receives a data packet from the partner. |
Par_CheckAsBRecvCompletion |
Checks if a packed received was received. |
These are utility functions.
Function |
Purpose |
Par_GetTimes |
Returns the last send and recv jobs execution time in milliseconds. |
Par_GetStats |
Returns some statistics. |
Par_GetLastError |
Returns the last job result. |
Par_GetStatus |
Returns the Partner status. |
Par_ErrorText |
Returns a textual explanation of a given error number. |