Moka7 is the Java port of Snap7 Client. It’s not a wrapper, i.e. you don’t have an interface code that loads snap7.dll (or .so) but it’s a pure Java implementation of the S7Protocol.
Moka7 is deployed as a set of source code classes that you can use in your Java project to communicate with S7 PLCs.
Not all functions are ported but the list of the PLC managed is the same, it’s designed to work with small hardware java-based, Android phones or even for large projects which don’t needs of extended control functions.
Moka7 is part of Snap7 so it shares the same licensing.
· Fully standard Java code without any dependencies.
· Fully multiplatform, virtually every hardware with an Ethernet adapter able to run a JVM can be connected to an S7 PLC.
· Packed protocol headers to improve performances.
· Helper class to access to all S7 types without worrying about Little-Big endian convention.
Moka7 is a classes library, for convenience the source files are included into two projects both containing also a demo program.
A NetBeans 4.7 project called Moka7-NetBeans.
A Eclipse Kepler project called Moka7-Eclipse.
The projects are absolutely the same and contain the same source files, choose the one you prefer.
Into the project you will find two packages :
· Moka7, the main package.
· Moka7Demo that contains a Client demo program
Many files contained into Moka7 package are only structure classes, i.e. the java port of the C structures, the same that you find into snap7.h (see snap7 project):
· (utility class to pass an integer by reference)
The main classes that we will analyze are:
· S7Client, the client object.
· S7 an helper class to read/write S7 types from/to a byte array.
In the manual you will find detailed information about syntax, parameters and examples, please refer to it.
These methods allow controlling the behavior a Client Object.
Function |
Purpose |
ConnectTo |
Connects a Client Object to a PLC. |
SetConnectionType |
Sets the connection type (PG/OP/S7Basic) |
SetConnectionParams |
Sets Address, Local and Remote TSAP for the connection. |
Connect |
Connects a Client Object to a PLC with implicit parameters. |
Disconnect |
Disconnects a Client. |
These functions allow the Client to exchange data with a PLC.
Function |
Purpose |
ReadArea |
Reads a data area from a PLC. |
WriteArea |
Writes a data area into a PLC. |
Function |
Purpose |
GetAgBlockInfo |
Returns info about a given block in AG. |
DBGet |
Uploads a DB from AG. |
These functions allow to read/modify the date and time of a PLC.
Imagine a production line in which each PLC saves the data with date/time field inside, it is very important that the date be up to date.
Both CP X43 and internal PN allow to synchronize date and time but you need an NTP server, and in some cases (old hardware or CP343-1 Lean or old firmware release) this doesn’t work properly.
Snap7 Client, using the same method of S7 Manager, always works.
Function |
Purpose |
Cli_GetPlcDateTime |
Returns the PLC date/time. |
Cli_SetPlcDateTime |
Sets the PLC date/time with a given value. |
Cli_SetPlcSystemDateTime |
Sets the PLC date/time with the host (PC) date/time. |
these functions access to SZL (or SSL - System Status List) to give you all the same information that you can get from S7 Manager.
System Status List
The system status list (SSL) describes the current status of a programmable logic controller.
The contents of the SSL can only be read using information functions but cannot be modified. The partial lists are virtual lists, in other words, they are only created by the operating system of the CPUs when specifically requested.
You can access to system status list using SFC 51 too "RDSYSST."
To read a partial list you must specify its ID and Index.
For a detailed description of SZL see:
§33 of "System Software for S7-300/400 System and Standard Functions".
Function |
Purpose |
ReadSZL |
Reads a partial list of given ID and Index. |
GetOrderCode |
Returns the CPU order code. |
GetCpuInfo |
Returns some information about the AG. |
GetCpInfo |
Returns some information about the CP (communication processor). |
With these control function it’s possible to Start/Stop a CPU and read the PLC status.
Function |
Purpose |
PlcColdStart |
Puts the CPU in RUN mode performing an COLD START. |
PlcHotStart |
Puts the CPU in RUN mode performing an HOT START. |
PlcStop |
Puts the CPU in STOP mode. |
GetPlcStatus |
Returns the CPU status (running/stopped). |
With these functions is possible to know the current protection level, and to set/clear the current session password.
The correct name of the below functions SetSessionPassword and ClearSessionPassword, would have to be Login and Logout to avoid misunderstandings about their scope.
Especially because, if you look at the source code, there is an encoding function that translates the plain password before send it to the PLC.
Detailed information about the protection level can be found in §33.19 of "System Software for S7-300/400 System and Standard Functions".
Function |
Purpose |
SetSessionPassword |
Send the password to the PLC to meet its security level. |
ClearSessionPassword |
Clears the password set for the current session (logout). |
GetProtection |
Gets the CPU protection level info. |
These are utility functions.
Function |
Purpose |
PduLength |
Returns info about the PDU length (requested and negotiated). |
ErrorText |
Returns a textual explanation of a given error number. |
int, input – It’s the receiving timeout (in milliseconds) for a telegram.
int, output – Contains the last operation error.
bool, output – It’s true if the Client is connected.
In the manual you will find detailed information about syntax, parameters and examples, please refer to it.
Read functions
Function |
Purpose |
GetBitAt |
Returns the Bit at given location in an user byte buffer |
GetWordAt |
Returns the Word at given location in an user byte buffer |
GetShortAt |
Returns the Short at given location in an user byte buffer |
GetDWordAt |
Returns the DWord at given location in an user byte buffer |
GetDIntAt |
Returns the DInt at given location in an user byte buffer |
GetFloatAt |
Returns the Float at given location in an user byte buffer |
GetStringAt |
Returns the String at given location in an user byte buffer |
GetPrintableStringAt |
Returns the String (in printable format) at given location in an user byte buffer |
GetDateAt |
Returns the Date and Time at given location in an user byte buffer |
Write functions
Function |
Purpose |
SetBitAt |
Writes a Bit at given location in an user byte buffer |
SetWordAt |
Writes a Word at given location in an user byte buffer |
SetShortAt |
Writes a Short at given location in an user byte buffer |
SetDWordAt |
Writes a DWord at given location in an user byte buffer |
SetDIntAt |
Writes a DInt at given location in an user byte buffer |
SetFloatAt |
Writes a Float at given location in an user byte buffer |
SetDateAt |
Writes a Date and Time at given location in an user byte buffer |
Mnemonic |
Meaning |
errTCPConnectionFailed |
0x0001 |
TCP Connection error. |
errTCPDataSend |
0x0002 |
TCP error sending the data. |
errTCPDataRecv |
0x0003 |
TCP error receiving the data. |
errTCPDataRecvTout |
0x0004 |
A timeout occurred waiting a reply. |
errTCPConnectionReset |
0x0005 |
Connection reset by the peer. |
errISOInvalidPDU |
0x0006 |
Malformed PDU supplied. |
errISOConnectionFailed |
0x0007 |
ISO connection failed. |
errISONegotiatingPDU |
0x0008 |
ISO PDU negotiation failed. |
errS7InvalidPDU |
0x0009 |
Invalid PDU received. |
errS7DataRead |
0x000A |
Error during data read. |
errS7DataWrite |
0x000B |
Error during data write. |
errS7FunctionError |
0x000D |
The PLC reported an error for this function. |
errBufferTooSmall |
0x000C |
The buffer supplied is too small. |
errInvalidParams |
0x000E |
An invalid parameter was supplied to the function. |