S7 200 (via CP243)


S7200 was out of the scope for Snap7 because beginning November 2013 the S7-200 product family will enter into the Phase Out stage of its product life cycle, but after working with LOGO also this PLC can be accessed since it uses the same connection mechanism.

Consider experimental the support for this PLC

As said, the connection is very similar to that of LOGO, you need to design a connection using the Ethernet wizard of MicroWin as in figure.


In the first case the PLC expects to be connected to an OP and you must supply LocalTSAP = 0x1000 and RemoteTSAP = 0x0200 to the SetConnectionParams function.

If you make a S7200 HMI project, the runtime of WinCC itself uses these parameters.


In the second case you should use LocalTSAP = 0x1000 and RemoteTSAP = 0x1000.

Server side

To connect S7200 to a Snap7Server you need a Client connection PLC-side :

then, clicking “Data Transfers” button you can set the Exchange Data areas.

Don’t care about TSAPs, Snap7Server accepts any values.